ITC International Technical Consultants S.A.C.
It is a Peruvian company founded in the city of Lima in 2002 by highly qualified and experienced professionals, in everything related to certifications, inspections, expert reports, tests, supervisions, appraisals and appraisals; allowing you to offer safe, reliable and highly professional service and assistance.
We are present in the main ports nationally (Talara, Paita, Salaverry, Chimbote, Iquitos, Conchan, Callao, Pisco, Matarani, Mollendo & Ilo) as well as internationally through our main correspondents AmSpec and OTI.
Focus on the operations of Antamina, Tradhol Int. and Glencore
First services in the Alcohol operations in Unagro (Bolivia) and attention in the operations of the Commercial Metals Company
Attention to the operations of Molinos & Cía., Doe Run and Interacid Trading S.A.
Permanent attention of the main Sucroalcoholeras in Bolivia
Attention to the operations of Eco Petrol and ENAP Chile
Attention in the operations of Cementos Pacasmayo and Sucden
Attention to the operations of Norden A/S, EMC Trading, Poplar Capital and CIASA
Start of permanent service in the control of dispatch/reception and analysis of Anthracite Coal (Cuenca, Trujillo) in favor of Cementos Pacasmayo
We remain faithful to our commitment to our client Unacem S.A.A., serving 100% of their exports and imports through its terminal in Conchan
ITC is accredited and recognized as a Superintendent Member in major international associations: FOSFA, GAFTA and ASTM International
We continue in constant progress, always seeking the best performance of our services, aiming at the consolidated growth of our clients